Thursday 24 February 2011

Lear 1864: Trial of Tears

What a brilliant performance of Lear, the only one I have seen but one that impressed me (even if i did miss the first 5 mins)! The combination of cowboys and indians and some fantastic accents really did it for me! I really liked the fact that we had the interval and came back and the actors where in the same place on stage which gave the effect of no time passing. However I found it wierd that they cast a girl that couldn't do the accent as a main role...kinda ruined it a bit!

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Avenue Q

Funniest performance done with puppets on stage, just the right mix of puppet and person! It was crude but light, and the songs, oh the songs..i am sure most of the people that went to see this will have now downloaded them! The only objection, 12 year olds I think, are too young to see this, but hey at least it makes a statement!

Landscape and Monologue

Oh Harold Pinter how you continue to put me in awe! The content of each speech was brilliant, the repition and pauses are classic Pinter, along with the detail description of something that could seem so insignificant (like a keg of beer). However I feel the woman actress did not do this justice, a tad wishy washy I would say, but the man that accompanied her on, sexiest voice ever!!!


Loved it!!!

Original with contrasting characters and vivid! Oh and the hanging of Feadra...absolutely amazing!!! Shame that there were moments that were no better described as a snooze fest. The ending of this adaption disappointed me...there was no need for news presenters to re-iterate what we had just seen!